The IVF Fertility Treatment Council – Ensuring fertility treatments are safe and effective

IVF and fertility treatments are incredibly helpful for couples who want to start a family but who have trouble conceiving naturally or with the use of less invasive fertility treatments such as medication or intrauterine insemination (IUI). However, these fertility treatments also come with potential side effects and potential risks that should be fully explored before undergoing them. The IVF Fertility Treatment Council (IFTC) was created to ensure that every couple has access to information about every available treatment option and can make an informed decision about what’s best for them, their future child, and their family.
Why the IVF Fertility Treatment Council was established
IVF is an amazing technology that has helped many people start their families, but like any other medical treatment, there are side effects. In fact, a U.S. study found that one in five IVF pregnancies result in a miscarriage within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. The best way to reduce these risks is by taking advantage of a multi-disciplinary team including your sexologist/urologist, physician and psychologist who will work together to create your plan.
What they do
At the IVF Fertility Treatment Council, we work to ensure the safety of in vitro fertilization and other reproductive technology procedures. Working with medical professionals across the country, we offer support to make sure all providers comply with best practices, provide public information about these treatments and serve as a resource for those considering them.
How they provide information to women considering infertility treatment
New members of the IVF Fertility Treatment Council bring new perspectives to the table. I met with one such new member, Dr. Maureen Stone, a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in relationships and sexual health at San Diego’s Scripps Health.
Dr. Stone joins the IVF-FT council in hopes of helping guide patient selection for fertility treatment based on her research showing how various stressors like relationship problems can impact patients’ responses to infertility treatments. With more data from Dr. Stone and other FT-Council experts, we hope that clinics can be selective about which type of patient they offer treatment to—making it less stressful for everyone involved (especially when expensive meds are involved!).
What is IVF?

During your first visit with a fertility specialist, you’ll find out if you’re a candidate for one of these treatment options. You might be surprised to learn that some treatments, like intrauterine insemination (IUI), can be used on its own or combined with other procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Not all women will qualify for the same treatment. For example, if your doctor finds that you have a blocked fallopian tube, she may recommend IVF or gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) instead of IUI. If he finds problems with your uterus but not your tubes, he may also recommend IVF.
Key facts about in vitro fertilizations
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a process where an egg is fertilised by sperm outside the body. The fertilised egg then goes to a lab where it develops for two to six days before returning to the woman’s uterus. Some of the main advantages of IVF include:
Babies born from IVF have an increased chance of health problems, such as premature birth, low birth weight, heart defects and cleft lip/palate
IVF is not always successful in helping women get pregnant. For example, one in four couples that undergoes IVF treatment will need another round of treatment before they can become pregnant . IVF sexologists recommend trying other fertility treatments like intrauterine insemination or natural cycles prior to starting IVF because these methods may be less expensive and less invasive than IVF.
What happens at each stage of an IVF cycle?

The IVF cycle starts with a consultation at the fertility clinic to get an idea of what the best course of treatment would be. Doctors need to determine if you’re a good candidate for in vitro fertilization (IVF). If they decide that you are, then they’ll help decide which kind of IVF cycle is best for you. There’s no standard treatment that’s always prescribed. For example, some people respond better to hormone therapy than others, so doctors might prescribe these instead of surgery or endometrial scratching for some patients. Hormone therapy is usually used to help stimulate egg production in women who haven’t had their periods because the ovaries aren’t releasing eggs or for women whose ovaries don’t produce enough hormones.
Do all women have equal chances of success with assisted reproductive technologies?
No, unfortunately there are many factors that may reduce a woman’s chance of success. For example, women with PCOS will have difficulty ovulating, while a woman whose uterus has been removed due to cancer treatment would have a lower chance of successful implantation. This is why it is important for women to speak with an independent provider before choosing the right treatment option for them.
Does age affect your chances of success with assisted reproductive technologies?

One of the most interesting studies released by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine looked at men under 30 years old. Men in this age group had an 84% live birth rate per cycle, while older men (ages 45-49) had a 79% live birth rate per cycle.
Is it advisable to have more than one embryo transferred during an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycle?
Many couples come to a crossroads when they want to increase their chances of getting pregnant. Whether it’s because they feel like they have exhausted all other options or they just want the reassurance that, if one pregnancy doesn’t happen, there is still a backup plan in place. The question then becomes whether it is better to try again immediately with the same amount of embryos transferred or have more than one embryo transferred in the hope that at least one will work.
How can I find out whether my nearest IVF clinic has been accredited by the Infertility Treatments National Accreditation Service (ITNAS)?
If you want to know whether your nearest IVF clinic has been accredited by the Infertility Treatments National Accreditation Service (ITNAS), then find the NHS-accredited clinic on their website, here. Then go to the page called ‘clinical information’ and click on ‘accreditation’, which will show that it is accredited by ITNAS.