About Makker IVF

What makes us your companion in your mothhood journey.

Our approach to treatment doesn’t remain limited to medical assistance. Instead, we try to understand and analyse your concern to overcome all the obstacles hindering your fertility treatment. To begin with, we ensure to provide our assistance whenever required. We equip you with all the necessary aspects that might be needed during your infertility treatment so that you get to be carefree and prioritize your partner.

About Doctor's

Dr G. C. Makker

MBBS From KGMC In 1975
MS From KGMC in 1980
Started Practicing General Surgery from 1980,
Went to USA in 1985 as member of group study exchange team.
Started Lp. Surgery from 1995-96.
Went to western general hospital Edinburg Scotland for advanced training in laparoscopic surgery
under Dr Steve Nixon.

Started the practice in management of Male Infertility and Sexual Dysfunctions in 1999 and
went for advance training in Management of Andropause management and testosterone regulation
Under Dr Malcom Carruthers in 2003-04.

Now practicing as General Surgeon , Laparoscopic Surgeon & Male Health Specialist.

Specialized in Management of Male infertility’s both medical Surgical ( All Sperm retrieval techniques

Dr. G C Makker is a Sexologist and Andrologist  and has been practicing from last 46 years in these fields at Makker Medical Center in Hazratganj, Lucknow. He has completed his MS – General Surgery from University of Lucknow in 1980 and MBBS from University of Lucknow in 1976. 

Dr Renu Makker

Presently working as Director Makker Medical &
IVF Center, Lucknow as Consultant Gynecologists’, Laparoscopic Surgeon & Infertility Specialist at Makker IVF Center

Past Secretary: Indian Fertility Society, UP Chapter

Life Time Member of ESHRE,ISAR,IFS,ACE &
Ovarian Club ,MACE

MBBS- SRN MC Allahabad

MD KGMC Lucknow

Dr. Renu Makker is a Gynecologists Consultant , Laparoscopic Surgeon &
Infertility Specialist at Makker IVF Center

Gallery of Makker IVF Centre

Online Medicine

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Online Medicine

Doctors Achievements

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What Parents Say

The Makker Fertility Center in Lucknow is one of the best IVF Speciality Centers. Here at Makker the doctors understand the pain of the childless couple

Ritesh Trivedi IND Citizen